Wilson AC/DC 12V/3A 36W Switching Kycon Plug for Home Complete - 850023
Wilson AC/DC 12V/3A 36W Switching Kycon Plug for Home Complete - 850023

Wilson AC/DC 12V/3A 36W Switching Kycon Plug for Home Complete - 850023

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  • Designed for 5.5V vehicle signal boosters
  • Converts 12V DC to 5.5V DC
  • Plugs into vehicle's cigarette power outlet

Product Details

<div id="ProductOverview" class="Panel Block ProductOverview"><h2>This item has been discontinued. For the updated version please look at the:&nbsp;<a href="/wilson-car-lighter-adapter-5v-3a-859110/">Wilson DC/DC Cigarette Lighter Power Supply 5.5V/2A - 859110 (859910)</a></h2><p></p><h2>Product Overview</h2><div class="ProductOverviewContainer"><h3>QUALITY CELL PHONE SIGNAL BOOSTER ACCESSORIES AND PARTS</h3><p>The Wilson 859910 DC/DC Cigarette Lighter Power Supply 5.5V/2A with USB-A and Mini-USB Cable works with the Wilson Sleek Signal Booster Kits.</p><ul><li>Wilson Sleek 3G and 4G Amplifiers</li><li><a href="/weboost-home-studio-signal-booster-kit-470166/" target="_blank">weBoost Drive 3G-Flex</a></li></ul></div></div><div id="ProductCompleteKit" class="Panel Block ProductCompleteKit"><h2>What&rsquo;s Included In the Complete Kit?</h2><div class="ProductCompleteKitContainer"><h3>Wilson DC/DC 5.5V Cigarette Lighter Power Supply (Item # 859910) Includes:</h3><div class="product-kit"><span class="number">1</span><img src="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-bf3bb/content/template/images/new-design/images/kit-859910.png" alt="adapter cable" /><div><span class="title">5V Power Supply</span></div></div></div></div><div id="ProductSpecifications" class="Panel Block ProductSpecifications"><h2>Product Specifications</h2><div class="ProductSpecificationsContainer"><table><tbody><!--tr> <td>LENGTH</td> <td>6 Feet</td> </tr--><tr><td>VOLTAGE</td><td>5.5V</td></tr><tr><td>POWER CONVERSION</td><td>12V DC to 5.5V DC</td></tr></tbody></table><!--a class="pdf-file" href="/content/pdfs/weBoost-470107-Drive-4G-S-SpecSheet.pdf"><span class="title">Specifications Sheet(PDF)<br /></span><img src="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-bf3bb/content/template/images/new-design/images/470106_Specs_Sheet_PDF.png" alt="spec sheet" /> </a--></div></div><div id="ProductInstallationInstructions" class="Panel Block ProductInstallationInstructions"><h2>Installation Instructions</h2><div class="ProductInstallationInstructionsContainer"><p>Follow the installations instructions in the package. If you have questions or require assistance, please call our customer and tech support at 1-800-568-2723 or email at <a style="color: #0a4d8e;" href="mailto:sales@wilsonamplifiers.com">sales@WilsonAmplifiers.com</a>. We will be happy to assist you in every step of the way.</p><p>Wilson Amplifiers provides a free service to help you along the way. <a style="color: #0a4d8e;" href="/blog/">Please check out our blog for more information</a>.</p><!--p class="small">This is a CONSUMER device.<br />BEFORE USE, you MUST REGISTER THIS DEVICE with your wireless provider and have your provider&rsquo;s consent. Most wireless providers consent to the use of signal boosters. Some providers may not consent to the use of this device on their network. If you are unsure, contact your provider. You MUST operate this device with approved antennas and cables as specified by the manufacturer. Antennas MUST be installed at least 20 cm (8 inches) from any person. You MUST cease operating this device immediately if requested by the FCC or a licensed wireless service provider.</p> <p class="small">WARNING.<br />E911 location information may not be provided or may be inaccurate for calls served by using this device. Please note, the four largest carriers, namely, AT&amp;T, T-Mobile, Verizon and Sprint, and more than 90 regional carriers have given a blanket consent to all boosters meeting the new certification standards</p--></div></div><div id="ProductVideos" class="Panel Block ProductVideos"><h2>Videos</h2><div class="ProductVideosContainer"><p>Watch product info and how-to guides videos from our experts.</p><div class="product-video-iframe"><span class="sm sm-x-close-container">&nbsp;</span><iframe src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0"></iframe></div><div class="row"><!--div class="column"><img title="About weBoost Connect 4G" src="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-bf3bb/content/template/images/new-design/images/470107-videothumbnail.png" alt="470107 Video" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/O2Qk6MQiLMg?rel=0" /> <p>About weBoost Drive 4G-S</p> </div--><div class="column"><img title="How to install a weBoost Home Kit" src="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-bf3bb/content/template/images/new-design/images/weboost-home-kit.png" alt="home installation" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lAFUkZl5dGs?rel=0" /><p>How to install a weBoost Home Kit</p></div><div class="column"><img title="How to install a weBoost Vehicle Kit" src="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-bf3bb/content/template/images/new-design/images/weboost-vehicle-kit.png" alt="vehicle installation" data-src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/T-BUoNCjcqw?rel=0" /><p>How to install a weBoost Vehicle Kit</p></div></div></div></div>


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